Sucuri Security Plugin Review – Why People Trust It? + How to Setup?


With each WordPress website comes a need to protect it from cyber-attacks or malware. 

The truth is, not only big and popular websites, but any website is prone to hacking. Fortunately, with the right tool such as Sucuri, you can protect your website hassle-free.

Sucuri WordPress security plugin eases the process of site security and puts you out of worry.

When you start a business or personal blogging site on WordPress, one of the primary actions is to protect it from malware, blacklists, or unethical activities. While there are some simple tricks to protect your website, a proper tool is always a great investment.

So in this article, you will know everything about WordPress site security and protection using the Sucuri tool. 

Let’s dive straight into it.

Why Does a WordPress Website Have a Security Plugin?

‘Setting up a strong password can protect my site’, you would think. But that’s far from enough.

There are hundreds, probably thousands of attack points on your website that can let a hacker slide through. Even if you set up strong passwords, keep changing passwords every month, limit user access and install SSL, you are going to need additional security.

Manual tricks cannot sustain advanced attacks. Fortunately, a Security plugin can secure your website from every possible attack.

Here are some strong roles of a security plugin on your WordPress site

  • It can find vulnerabilities from every possible entity on your website.
  • You can add Two-factor authentication to prevent password hacking, forced login attempts, and failed login attempts.
  • A security plugin allows blocking certain IP addresses to enter your website’s vicinity.
  • You can automate malware scanning and cleaning, threat protection, and forced link injections.
  • It can put an extra layer of a shield on the database where all the information resides.
  • Most importantly, a website firewall and backup features from a security plugin can stop DDoS attacks and remove the threat of unwanted connections.

About Sucuri Plugin for WordPress

Sucuri is a website cleaning, monitoring, and protection tool which is used to prevent any sort of cyber attack. It’s the easiest way to shield your WordPress website.

Sucuri puts a cloud proxy between your website and visitors to filter out legitimate users. The proxy detects and blocks the attack before it reaches your website.

The tool has paid plans to suit any type of WordPress site. Each plan comes with a free WordPress plugin. So you can easily monitor your website right from the dashboard of your site.

Apart from paid plans, Sucuri offers Free Website Security Check and Malware Scanner. All you have to do is put your URL and click the scan button. It’ll show if your website is under attack or has malware that can put it in danger.

Apart from WordPress, the tool also support other types of websites such as .NET, PHP, HTML, Drupal, Joomla, and more.

Sucuri is a complete suite of security protection for your website. So let’s find out what’s in it for you and how you can make maximum use of it.

Benefits of Using the Sucuri Website Security Solution

1. Security Monitoring

Once you install the Sucuri Security plugin on WordPress, the tool will automatically monitor threats on your website. It detects malware, suspicious redirects, alteration to SSL, Spam, and link injection, and more.

In addition to the threat monitoring, the plugin also checks the blacklist status of your website by Google, Yandex, Opera, Norton, and Sucuri blacklist.

2. Website Firewall & Backups

Sucuri also has a Web Application Firewall and Intrusion Prevention System to save your website from getting hacked.

The Firewall and IPS feature blocks Distributed Denial of Service attacks, stops suspicious behavior, terminates brute force attacks or password cracking attacks.

And even if some functionality of your website gets compromised, you can recover it from the backup. Sucuri offers Website Backup solutions for just $5/month.

3. Server-Side Scanning

Protecting the server-side of your website is, in fact, the most crucial task. Hackers can come up with hundreds of ways to crack into your website server and manipulate things.

With Sucuri’s server-side scanning, you can protect your website server from getting altered. You can track changes in the files at the backend to be aware of all the activities.

4. Auto Malware Cleanup

Depending on which paid plan you select, you can set up the interval for malware scans. The tool automatically detects and removes malware and cleans your website.

You just have to set intervals and the tool will take care of everything.

5. Site Audit Logs

Another great benefit of installing the Sucuri WordPress plugin is to check site audit logs. 

You can keep track of every change in your website, including new posts, new users, last login attempts, failed login attempts, and more.

Audit logs give you a detailed overview of what is happening within your website.

6. Security alerts

You don’t have to spend every second of your day on dashboard monitoring attacks. Because, for any minor or major threat, you receive immediate notification from Sucuri in the form of Emails, SMS, IMs, and RSS.

Security alerts are quick, so you can take immediate action or seek faster help from Sucuri.

How to Set Up Sucuri on Your Website?

Now that you know how easily you can keep your website out of danger, below is the stepwise guide to install and set up Sucuri on your WordPress website.

1. Install Sucuri WordPress Security Plugin

The first step is to install the Sucuri WordPress plugin on your WordPress website.

Go to Dashboard > Plugins > Add New. 

Search for Sucuri in the plugins page and click on Install Now to install Sucuri WordPress plugin on your WordPress website. 


Note – If you don’t know the WordPress plugin installation process, you can check out the complete guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

2. Generate API Key

Post plugin installation, you will see a new menu item “Sucuri Security” in the WordPress dashboard. 


Go to Sucuri Security and click on Generate API Key appearing on the top-right menu on the settings page.  


It will automatically fetch the website name and admin email address. All you have to do is to agree to the terms and conditions and privacy policy and submit the form. 


Post submission, a pop-up will appear with a success message “Site registered successfully”. 

You will also receive an email confirmation on your primary email address. 

3. Sucuri Settings

Next, you will be able to see different tabs including, scanner, hardening, alerts, API service communication, etc. 

(a) Scanner

Sucuri scanner scans your website files to check if there is any malware or malicious code present. It allows you to exclude some files and folders from the scan if you want to. 

(b) Hardening


Sucuri allows you to easily enable/disable security hardening settings. You can – 

  • Manage website firewall protection, 
  • Verify and remove WordPress version, 
  • Block PHP files in uploads directory, 
  • Block PHP files in wp-content and wp-includes directory, 
  • Disable plugin and theme editor, and 
  • Much more. 

(c) Update Secret Keys


Changing secret keys in some time is one of the best practices of WordPress security. Sucuri allows you to change them right from the plugin settings under the post-hack tab.  

(d) Alerts


Sucuri allows you to add emails to receive alerts, add selected IP addresses, and other restrictions to enhance WordPress security. 

Final Verdict – Why You Should Purchase Sucuri to Protect Your WordPress Website?

Website security is complex to achieve. But you can set up the strongest possible security on your WordPress site via Sucuri.

As the installation step won’t take time and you don’t have to have any technical knowledge, you can add Sucuri protection right now.

We would recommend Sucuri to all blogging, business, portfolio sites running on WordPress.

The price might be your concern at this point. But guess what, it starts from –

  • $199.99/year with unlimited malware and hack removals.
  • If you own a business or an agency, Sucuri has a $499.99/year plan that allows threat scanning every 30 minutes.
  • Or you can even get a custom plan suitable to your business.

To sum up, the risk of hacking and cyber attacks can never be zero. But with the right tool, you can avoid all common attacks on the WordPress website.

Remember, it doesn’t matter how small or simple a website you own, it still needs threat protection and security.

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